Okay, so going into the Endgame of 23 Sisters I figured it would take a lot longer to write which it is.  Let me explain why.  So I have been teasing the end of 23 Sisters all over, and not only in 23 Sisters.  There's been stuff in DLG, Extra Credit, the 23 Sisters Web Novel which I hope to start working on again soon,and The Three Deaths Web Novel.  I mean you don't have to know about these things for the story, but they're fun Easter Eggs.  I'm also having to connect shit that was mentioned earlier in the game to what's happening now.  I also remodeled a bunch of older characters, such as Krissy on the left there, and I'm trying to find a good way to introduce them.  There's a lot of other shit too.  The Alpha is NOT delayed though.  Like I said earlier I figured it would take longer.  The script is more than 50% done though.  It is moving along.  I actually have been working about 9 hours a day for over a week.  I want this ending to be perfect.  I got a lot of messages from folks that were disappointment about the DLG's ending, which I don't want to happen again.  I truly hope I'm not overthinking shit.  

Yes, I do realize y'all imagine me as this creative god who sits on a thrown of gold with thousands of hot women surrounding me and doing whatever I ask.  I'm sure you also imagine the ghosts of JRR Tolkien and William Shakespeare in gimp suits, crawling on the floor following me around kissing the floor I walk on.  I get that, but I'm just a crazy guy who sits at his computer and works all day. So, yeah.  Stop imagining me as a god.  I'm pretty sure it's one of the 21 Commandments.  I could be wrong though.  Anyway, I'm getting it out as quick as I can.  I'll hopefully have a release estimate soon.  Stay tuned....

Get 23 Sisters


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Thank you for this hard work!

Last update to this game (1st pay, later free) and you should focus in other projects. And scan if have malware before upload.

That's a false-positive.  There's no malware in this game.  

Your golden chair is a "THRONE". Loosen the tether on Tolkien's gimp suit, he should have caught this when he proofread your piece, but he was pre-occupied :D


Take your time and don't stress.