I want to apologies to everyone for taking so long to get this 23 Sisters: Revamp out.  It took a lot longer than I thought it would.  I thought it'd take around three weeks, but it ended up taking almost five.  That's my fault for saying one thing but it actually being a lot longer.  Usually I'm pretty good at figuring out how long updates are gonna take.  I was completely wrong with this one.  I am very glad to be working on something new after this.  Revamping this was very boring and repetitive because it's just redoing something I've already done.  It had to be done though.  I'm excited to be working on Daddy's Little Girls next.  It'll be a breath of fresh air.  I'm ready to sit down, focus and start writing the script for 0.4!!  I hope you guys do like the Revamp though.

Get 23 Sisters


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Life happens. Sometimes not for the better. Nothing to apologize for.

Besides, deadlines can be a bitch, even if you think you've put a release date far enough out. Especially for game design. You're not the only one. I have my own release deadline looming over me, and I have no idea if I will make it on time. Set to update my own VN project by the first. It will probably be later than that. Don't sweat the small things, especially since you don't have bean counters holding your balls over the fire to be done "on time."

I totally agree with BloodAngelCapt969.  Take what time is needed to get over this tragic loss.  I know how you are feeling as I lost my own mother a couple of years ago and it took me a long time to get over her loss.

Your games are superbly written and created and I enjoy playing them.  Keep up the good work when you are ready. 


Don't apologize man you and your GF had terrible event happen so I believe I speak for everyone of your fans and say " do not blame yourself for things out of your control.just make sure you and yours are well and only when you feel ready get back into the fight." (By fight I mean being a badass game dev