
I'm sorry to say that the Alpha will be delayed until next week.  Probably Wed.  Most of you probably know of the hurricane that hit New Orleans, LA the other day.  My grandma and aunt lives there and they've been told that they could be without power for at minimum a week.  They've decided to come stay with me.  This means I will not be able to work on the game during the day, but only at night.  They will be here tomorrow afternoon.  I will try to get as much done tomorrow as possible, but don't expect a lot because I've got to get ready for their arrival.  Again I'm am sorry about this.  It'll be worth the wait though.  

Get 23 Sisters


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(1 edit) (+1)

You know it is ok if you just wait and don't work on it til your relatives are able to be fine, do not overwork yourself just take a break, your making great and honestly hilarious content. It is ok to just stop what you are doing and take care for yourself. Good luck and thanks.

(1 edit) (+1)

Enjoy your relatives--especially your grandma, while they are around. Crap happens, we know.  I appreciate how you always keep us apprised of your status--you keep us informed about things more than any other Dev I know of. I remember recently you went ON VACATION and still worked on the games. So, take a break. Don't burn the candles at both ends. Get rest and enjoy the unexpected company. I promise to be here when your done keeping company with your family.


BRO Take your time get back on your feet first