The animation is done, the coding is done and I though the the renders were done, but then I noticed something about the renders of Christine here.  Do you see it?  Her belly seems a little small.  I've got to rerender 42 renders.  Thank God it's not all of them.  There's a few that don't show her belly, so I can still use them.  Out of close to 250 renders redoing 42 ain't too bad.  Most of the renders are of Cheyenne and Rika.  I'm glad I caught it though.  If I had released it with these renders  there'd be so many questions.  This pisses me off so fucking bad. 

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She looks fine to me, but I know you are a perfectionist from playing the game, so keep up the good work!


It could have been worse, you could have made her look pregnant 😄😂🤣


That would be better!

that's just it, she is supposed to be pregnant

your first comment implied her having a preg look would be a bad thing

Obviously my sarcasm is lost on you...

(2 edits)

Poe's Law says no joke (including sarcasm) is obvious, especially online .-.

YEP and so true but your only HUMAN and we all make mistakes !!! BUT *( it takes a real person to own up to errors !!! )* could have have just fixing a error should be sort soon .

If that's the only problem you ran into, I'd say you did a damn good job