A Bug

Sorry I've been so quite since Saturday.  I got some kind of stomach bug Saturday night and spent Saturday night and all of Sunday hugging a toilet.  Then yesterday morning I woke up extremely weak.  So I went to the hospital and they figured out I was majorly dehydrated.  They hooked me up to an IV and I spent almost all day there.  I came home after that and passed out from exhaustion.  Since Saturday I had gotten like 5 hours of sleep.  I did get a lot of sleep last night though.  I am feeling a lot better now.  I'm hoping to get some work done today.  I'm not gonna push myself to extremes like I normally do though.  For the next few days I'm gonna take it a little slower than normal.  It's gonna be a few more days until the Alpha is released.  I'm not gonna say what day though.  I'm hoping before the weekend.  Stay tuned...

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Take care of yourself. You'll do better work when you're fully recovered--so wait until then.

Mind your health, buddy!