0.10 Alpha Released...

The Extra Credit 0.10 Alpha has been released to $25 subs.  It will go to $10 subs on Sunday most likely.  It took a little longer to finish up than I thought it would.  I had to redo one of the animations which took longer than expected.  Up next I'll start work on the 2nd half of the Extra Credit 0.10 Update.  Don't expect a lot from this update because I had planned to do something completely different because the game was coming to an end but now that it's not I'm having to figure out some new shit.  I will do the best I can though.  I do try to somewhat plan stuff nowadays.  Not a 100% but have a rough idea of where I'm going.  What I had planned has now been thrown out the window.  Anyway work will start on the 2nd half of the 0.10 Update on Monday.  Though I must admit I did do a little writing of the script on my vacation.  I COULDN'T HELP IT!  WHEN I GOT AN IDEA I'VE JUST GOT TO WRITE IT DOWN!  SUE ME!  LOL!  Anyway thanks y'all for your support.  Stay tuned...

Get Extra Credit - Free Public Release


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Do you have a Tier Release list for 0.10A available? When you posted the first releases you only gave the top 2. I don't remember what Tier I am in but knowing the dates will help me, and probably a few more fans, figure out when I can get my slice of pie.. ;<P

The Alpha is only available on SubscribeStar for $10 subs and higher.  Sadly I'm unable to get payments here on Itch because PayPal and Stripe hate me.  I only release the free version here.  

I understand the payments on Itch issue. I thought by all the posts that it was going to be a FREE release. I, unfortunately do not have a subscription to SubscribeStar. Not even sure how to get one. I have never been to the actual site. Only developer pages on the site which do not show much of anything related to game to sell or what have you. I guess I will have to wait until the game becomes available on a site that I CAN go to and download or buy it. Whimper Whine.. :<(

It's no problem. The Alphas are the first half of an update.  They're an exclusive that I give to certain subscribers.  I actually never sell my game anymore.  All full updates will be free.  The update should be out very soon.  It's close to being done.  I'm guessing early to mid next week for subs and then roughly a week after that to everyone. I do hope you enjoy it though.  

I have enjoyed the flat out fun of the game since finding it. As you could probably tell by my comments on both active games recently.. I am looking forward to your next game project release once this one hits completion if you start it up before you complete Tomboy S. Yes! I am also fond of the fun and perviness of TS. Great raunchy fun ALL around.