What's up next....

So, I was gonna take off until Wed.  I was supposed to write the script for the Extra Credit 0.4 Alpha on Wed.  The thing is, is that's it's done.  I wrote it the other day.  I had planned and brainstormed everything when I was sick, so it was easy to write.  This means I'm gonna take off until Thursday.  That's when I'll start rendering.  It should only take about two days to render everything.  There aren't any animations, so it should take less time.  If things go as planned the Alpha should be out by Sat or Sunday.  I always try to aim for the weekends for releases.  It doesn't always work out, but I try to do it that way.  I think y'all are gonna like this Alpha.  Zina the Zombie joins the cast, there's two earth shattering revelations and....I'm not gonna spoil it.  I will also release the DLG Finale to $10 on Tuesday.  I'm not sure what time.  It depends when I remember.


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